About Scottish Straight
Scottish Straight

Our Story
Jasmine and Kylla are our Queens, and Felix is our King. Being an ethical cattery that specializes in breeding Scottish Straight kittens is our aim. Located in Minnesota, all of the cats in our care deserve to have the best lives possible, so it is important to us that they do. We care deeply about each kitten finding its ideal new forever home. For this reason, before making a purchase, we require each family to submit an application. Before going to their new homes, each kitten is given a physical examination, a flea treatment, and the necessary vaccinations.
Scottish Straight Cat Cattery breeds kittens that are wholesome, attractive, and full of energy. Our Scottish Straight Cats for sale are even more unique because they are descended from Himalayan, and Siamese bloodlines. We pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer service at Scottish Straight Cattery, and we think you'll love working with us. We are confident that your pet will give you a lifetime of love and furry, purring company!
We devote our days to providing for each kitten's health, safety, and socialization. They grow up in a smoke-free, cage-free, immaculate, and devoted family setting. We love and care for our breeding animals just as much as we do our kittens. The pregnant and nursing queens and kittens eat premium kitten food, while the adults are fed premium food and supplemented with vitamins.
Everywhere in the United States can get deliveries from Scottish Straight Cattery. If you prefer, you can pick up your pet from the airport or our cattery. We will have many different types of gorgeously colored Scottish Straight Cats available throughout the year, including silvers, chocolates, points, tabbies, and calicos, to name a few.
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